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About Us

The Arab American Bar Association ("AABA") is an organization committed to diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, with a focus on assisting in the recruitment, retention, and advancement of  individuals of Arab descent in law schools and in the legal profession.  

Unfortunately, the presence and participation of individuals of Arab descent in the legal profession is limited.  AABA seeks to provide the resources necessary to youth to spark their interest in the law and to ensure their success in the law school application process and beyond.  Please visit our "Membership" page to join AABA and to learn more about how you can support our work.   



AABA is an association of legal professionals committed to public interest work.  As we build our association, we anticipate providing legal referrals to community members, as well as current and innovative Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses to our members.  

ABBA is commited to expanding legal resources and making the law more accessible to the public, with a particular focus on serving underserved, underrepresented communities.  

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News & Publications

Upcoming Event: Inside "The Partner Track" featuring women of color partners at top NYC Law Firms, including an Arab-American partner, and Helen Wan, Esq., author of "The Partner Track).

Contact Us


AABA, Inc. Founding Board
Yasmin Dwedar, Esq.

Erin Herro, Esq.
Vice President


Amanie Akarah, Esq.


Rezwan Islam, Esq.



AABA Fundraiser/Arab American Heritage Celebration

AABA hosted its very first fundraiser/Arab American Heritage Celebration at Alwan for the Arts on Tuesday, April 23rd from 6:30-9:30 p.m.  We had great turnout and raised enough money to help get AABA off the ground.  Thank you for your support!


"A Life in Shorts: Perfecting Your 30 Second Professional Pitch"


Perfecting Your Pitch (John Jay College, Conference Room L.61)

Brian Rashid (CUNY School of Law Alum) created and leads a group workshop, “The 60 Seconds that Change your Life,” which is a high-energy and interactive workshop focusing on helping an array of professionals develop and deliver a clear, concise, and compelling 30-60 second pitch. Brian has seen the value of a solid professional pitch for funding your project, recruiting a team, energizing your user base, and making networking events more productive. Everyone is working on something and has a story to share. Brian’s workshop make it easier for you to do so."

To learn more, visit:

Admission to this workshop is FREE!
Discounted parking right by John Jay College available at discounted rate (inquire about parking validation/rate)

Please RSVP for the event through our Facebook event page at or by email at

Copyright © 2013 Arab American Bar Association.  All rights reserved. 


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